Help Us Protect Your Business
The greatest challenges in the hearth industry are government regulations that impact our livelihood. Uniting with others who have similar interests is the key to protecting ourselves and our businesses. The Mid-Atlantic Hearth, Patio and Barbecue Association’s mission is to do just that.
Protect your business from the overreaching hand of government regulation by teaming up with and supporting the efforts of MAHPBA’s Government Affairs Team.
Unite with Us to Secure Your Future
Government Regulations are on the rise and the Hearth Industry is under constant attack. Our industry faces more government regulation than any other building material industry segment because we impact both the Environment and Energy, two of the most hotly-debated areas of national concern.
If we are to secure our future, we need to unite and speak with one voice.
Volunteer to Promote Your Trade
Promoting your business and your trade is exactly what the HPBA and your Local Affiliate, The Mid-Atlantic Hearth, Patio and Barbecue Association, does each and every day. MAHPBA’s Governing Board and Committees are made up of a group of volunteers who give of their time to protect and promote Your Trade and Your Business, but without Association Members getting involved, this work would not be possible.
Please help promote your trade and your business by getting involved.
Together, We can do so much more!
Here is How You Can Help:
If you are not a MAHPBA member, become a member. If you let your membership expire, renew your membership. Volunteer and do the work needed to protect, secure and strengthen the hearth industry. If you don’t have the time to volunteer, consider giving a financial gift that will empower other member volunteers to protect and promote the Hearth Industry, to the benefit of all.
MAHPBA cannot do this alone, we need your help!
GAC – Representative
A representative is a member of the Government Affairs Committee and is someone who is skilled in working with people, has an interest in politics and is generally familiar with the legislative process or willing to learn.
A Representative attends, at a minimum, one conference call per month. In addition, as timely events and issues present themselves, a representative will communicate with other committee members through a Base-camp project management database tool.
Committees include Government Affairs, Membership, Annual Meeting, Education and Communications.
GAC – Speaker
Member hearth industry experts volunteer their time and knowledge to share presentations with Code Officials. Speakers will have the opportunity to educate Building Officials/AHJs/Fire Marshals on wood-burning fireplaces and stoves, pellet-burning appliances, factory-built fireplaces, gas hearth systems/fireplace inserts, and proper venting of all fuel types in a prepared two-hour or one five-hour overview format.
Speakers decide his/her availability and approve engagements at monthly or annual industry events as their schedule permits. Our goal is to schedule Speakers Bureau sessions from April to August thus avoiding busy burn season commitments.
GAC – Analyst
An Analyst reviews email updates with regard to legislation or building codes that affect our profession as identified by Multi-State and/or BCAP services. While Multi-State messages address legislation, BCAP email messages address building codes. You will find the volume of messages will increase during the first quarter of every year with those three months having the most legislative activity, but you will never receive more than three emails per week at the height of any season.
Analysts will focus his/her attention on the states represented in the Mid-Atlantic region.
Thank you to those who supported the passage of the N.J. Master Hearth Specialist Bill
Associate Fireplace Builders, Inc.
Better Homes Hearth & Patio, Inc.
Blaze King
Bowden’s Fireside
Chimney Elves
Chimneys Rx
Coastal Home Services
Complete Chimney
Dura Vent
East Coast Energy P
East Coast Fireplace
Ember Fireplaces, Inc.
Energy Resources
Fire Design
Firefox Energy Concepts
Fireplace Facelifters
Fireplaces Plus, Inc.
Fireside Distributors, Inc.
Hearth & Home
Hearth and Home Tech.
HPBA Government Affairs
Hudson River Stove
Kozy Heat
Light My Fire, LLC
Muraca Enterprises
National Chimney
Newtown Fireplace
Northeast Distribution LTD
Pacific Energy
Ray Murray Inc
Rettinger’s Fireplace Systems
Road Warriors
Security Chimney
Skalka LLC
Skolnick Associates
SOS Stoves
The Fireplace People
The Fireplace Place
The Wood Stove
Travis Industries
Wood Heat
For More Information, Contact:
Jonathan Williams, Executive Director
250 West Main Street, Suite 100
Charlottesville, VA 22902
P. 434.977.3716
F. 434.979.2439
Ron Kessner, Government Affairs Chair
Cell – (609) -276-1022
Kurt Evers, Government Affairs Co-Chair